ISSN 2309-0545 , 2309-0553

ICTPE Conference


The 21th International Conference on

Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering



International Organization of IOTPE

31 October 2025


Conference Topics:



 0. Plenary Lectures (00PLL)


1. Power and Energy Systems (01PES)


2. Electronics (02ELC)


3. Control and Communications (03CCE)


4. Computers and Information Technologies (04CIT)


5. Robotics and Mechatronics (05RAM)


 6. Renewable Energy Sources (06RES)


 7. Technological Applications (07TAP)


 8. Education, Learning and Management (08ELM)


9. Mathematics and Physics (09MAP)


10. Mechanical and Civil Engineering (10MCE)


11. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (11CPE)


12. Environmental and Geological Engineering (12EGE)


13. Biomedical Engineering (13BME)


14. Drafting and Design Engineering (14DDE)


15. Aerospace Engineering (15ASE)


16. Agricultural Engineering (16ACE)