ISSN 2309-0545 , 2309-0553 |
ICTPE Conference |
The 21th International Conference on |
Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering |
(ICTPE-2025) |
International Organization of IOTPE |
31 October 2025 |
Organizing Committee: |
Board of International Organization on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering (IOTPE) Acad. Arif M. HASHIMOV (Azerbaijan) Prof. Naser MAHDAVI TABATABAEI (Iran), General Chair of ICTPE Prof. Nicu BIZON (Romania) Prof. M. Cengiz TAPLAMACIOGLU (Turkey) Prof. Javier J. BILBAO LANDATXE (Spain) Prof. Nariman R. RAHMANOV (Azerbaijan) Prof. Omer USTA (Turkey) Prof. Kamil M. DURSUN (Norway) Prof. Naci GENC (Turkey) Prof. Fahreddin M. SADIKOGLU (Northern Cyprus) Prof. Yorgo ISTEFANOPULOS (Turkey)